Tuesday, August 3, 2010


In May 1997, Dave Martin and Lance Greyling set off on a now famous journey through Africa.

When we left we had no idea where we were going or what adventures this continent had in store for us. Our journey started in Cape Town and ended in London with 17 months of crazy adventures in between. Below you'll find posts in a blog format with the most recent post first... but this was a journey, and if you want to share this journey with us we strongly recommend you start at the beginning and travel the road with us, step by step, bus by bus, dugout canoe by dugout canoe. This is the only way to truly experience the beauty of East Africa, the enigmas of Ethiopia, the craziness of Congo, the diversity of West Africa, the heat of the Sahara and ultimately our emotional departure from Africa's shores. It is no exageration to say that this journey changed our lives for ever. And, judging by the hundreds of emails we've received from strangers who've stumbled upon this site, our journey has inspired others to explore this amazing continent.

What follows is the collection of the monthly emails and photo's we sent to family and friends (and "subscribers") while on the road. This was in the days before blogging - in fact Hotmail was then a revolutionary thing.

To read this story chronologically, click on the sidebar menu where it says "1997" and work your way up.


We often get emails asking what we're up to now.

Lance worked in the environmental advocacy field and was then elected as a Member of Parliament in South Africa where he still fights the good fight today. He lives in Cape Town. See: http://www.id.org.za/newsroom/media-releases/lance-greyling

Dave carried on travelling for a number of years around South America, China, etc. He then
started the award-winning, community-based Bulungula Lodge in a remote part of South African paradise. See: http://www.bulungula.com

Dave and his wife Rejane also started a rural development NGO called the Bulungula Incubator. See: http://www.bulungulaincubator.org

Dave's last year was spent travelling South Asia: http://travelwallahs.blogspot.com/